Pesticides residues in food:
The safety issue (2)

How are pesticides regulated?
In Hong Kong, any pesticide might leave residues in a food is regulated by the Pesticide Residues in Food Regulation (Cap. 132CM). It sets out a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs)/ extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs) for specified pesticide-food pairs. Apart from fruits & vegetables, the regulation also includes pesticide residues limits of certain foods such as meat, poultry meat and milk.
Meat includes meat of cattle, goats, horse, pig and sheep or meat from mammals other than marine mammals, etc.
Poultry meat includes poultry kidney, liver, meat and skin, etc.
Milk includes milk of sheep, cattle, goat.
Maximum residue limits (MRLs): The upper legal levels of a concentration for pesticide residues in or on food and to ensure the lowest possible consumer exposure.
Extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs): The upper legal levels of a concentration for pesticide residues, which is arise from the environmental sources, (including former agricultural uses) other than the use of a pesticide directly or indirectly on the commodity.
How do we know the pesticides residues on food are below the set of maximum residues limit?
Pesticide Residues in Food Regulation specifies in Schedule 1 - a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs) for certain pesticide-food pairs, i.e. the maximum concentration of specified pesticide residues permitted in specific food commodities. The presence of any pesticide residues in food exceeds the stated MRLs/ EMRLs is not allowed under the Regulation.
Pesticide Residues in Food Regulation Schedule 2 specifies a list of exempted pesticides which are natural pesticides and the pesticide residues of which are identical to natural food components.
These pesticides are exempted from the requirement of having a MRL/EMRL in food under the regulation.
Why do some pesticides residues with no MRL?
There are some pesticides detected in food for which there is no MRL .This might due to the following reasons:
1) The pesticide and residue are recognized as safe or no toxicological significance or will not be prejudicial to human health. , thus no MRL is required for them, e.g the pesticides listed in the Pesticide Residues in Food regulation schedule 2.
2) The pesticide may not be registered for agricultural use.
3) The pesticide residue used on a crop different from the one for which has been approved or does not result in residues occurring in food
4) The residues are identical to or indistinguishable from natural food components
Will it be an offence under the Regulation if pesticide residues are detected in food at levels exceeding the prescribed MRLs/EMRLs?
Any person who imports, manufactures or sells any food not in compliance with the requirements of the Regulation concerning pesticide residues commits an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and to imprisonment for six months.
Apart from Hong Kong, different countries have its own food regulation to monitor the pesticides residues in food; we will talk more in detail in next Newsletter.

1. Schedule1,2<$FILE/CAP_132CM_c_b5.pdf>